A dental filling is a method to restore the damaged tooth with required fillings and let it function normally and in a better way than before.
After checking the condition of the decayed tooth, dentist advices fillings with a material like porcelain, gold or an amalgam which is an alloy of silver, mercury, tin, copper and even zinc. This makes the closing of the space and helps to prevent the bacteria to enter and cause more decay in the tooth.
What sort of dental filling is best and followed by dentists?
There is not a particular type of filling as the right dental filling is advised by the dentists after the repair and cleaning of the tooth. There are:
What actually takes place when you get dental fillings?
When your dentists settle on the decision to fill the cavity, the first step is the removal of the decay and cleaning of the affected area which later is filled with any of the material for good function of the tooth.
Dental Implants
Orthodontic Treatment
Restorative Dentistry
Maxillofacial Prosthesis
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