pediatric dentist in chennai

What is Pedodontics?

Pedodontics is the branch of medicine that deals with the study and care of the teeth of children. It deals with the prevention of any defects in child teeth and the prevention is done by including good food in the diet, educating and implementing oral hygiene in children and using fluorides. The main part of pedodontics deals with tooth decay or caries. Children keep on chewing toffees and other materials which may cause the tooth to decay easily. Pedodontics also helps in influencing the alignment of teeth. If the teeth are not properly arranged, braces or other devices are used to correct the alignment.

pediatric dentist in chennai
The person who gives the pedodontic treatment is called as a pedodontist. The pedodontist should have a specialization separately in pedodontics to treat children. Parents knowledge about the behavioral pattern of their children plays an important role in understanding the root cause and nature of the defect and coming up with effective methods and measures. The disease that affects the child mentally or physically also results in mouth problems. So the pedodontist will enquire about any other disease in the child and make a note of them before starting the treatment. The teeth plays an important role in giving proper structure or shape to the face and it need to be maintained clean and healthy with first priority.

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Authored By Dr.C.M.Bejoy Mony, M.D.S.

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